Learn How to Protect Your Brand with Influencer Screening
Identifying influencers and content creators who share problematic content online before a partnership enhances authentic collaborations and peace of mind that your brand isn’t taking any unnecessary risks.
With over 47% of influencers engaging in some form of online misconduct, Fama's influencer screening helps ensure you've chosen the best fit for your campaign, protecting your brand from public outrage, negative headlines, and boycotts.
Learn how Fama screens over 10,000 online sources including Instagram and TikTok for 8 types of influencer misconduct to identify behaviors that are potentially damaging to your company. Fama also enables you to search for your brand and competitive keywords to see how they have spoken about your brand, type of product, and competitors in the past.
Want to see what a sample report looks like? We will show you how a sample report displays:
1. Racist, sexist, or discriminatory behavior
2. Sexually explicit material
3. Threats or acts of violence and potentially illegal activity
And more....
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