
Hiring quality tech workers is a challenge. We make it easy to hire great people by identifying the great candidates from those with warning signs so you can reduce workplace misconduct and improve quality of hire.

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Impact of Misconduct

Workplace Misconduct is extremely problematic and costly for technology companies
$81 Billion

Cost of substance abuse for businesses each year.

$285 Billion

Cost companies spend each year due to bigotry.

27,291 Charges

Number of EEOC charges alleging sexual harassment between 2018 and 2021.

Why Identify Candidates with Misconduct Issues?

The impact technology companies have on society, their clients, shareholders, and employees is significant.

With great power comes great responsibility.

Hiring great people who work with integrity, a high moral compass, and for the success of your organization and customers is essential – and also hard to do.

That leads to costly workplace misconduct issues like fraud, which costs nearly $4 trillion a year. Employee theft costs $50 billion a year. Harassment costs between $300 and $1000 per employee. Substance abuse costs $81 billion a year.

And, that excludes the cost of reputational damages that companies incur once the public finds out about misconduct.

Fama compliantly searches over 10,000 sources of publicly available online and social media content to identify candidates with workplace misconduct issues. A Fama report is available many times in 24-48 hours and only provides the instances of misconduct. Request a demo today to learn more about how easy it is to incorporate a Fama report in your hiring process.

Improve Quality of Hire

A Recruiter's Guide to Quality of Hire

Today’s hiring teams are struggling to find enough candidates with the right skills – and it’s impacting the entire business. Without having the right people in the right roles, businesses are seeing higher levels of employee stress, burnout, and turnover.

What’s harder – people don’t work in a vacuum. Not all qualified candidates are quality candidates.

This guide helps hiring teams understand:‍

  • How to define quality of hire
  • What makes a good-quality hire
  • How to measure quality
  • Best practices and technologies to improve the quality of your hires

Read more for practical strategies and actionable insights recruiting teams can use to define, measure, assess, and improve the quality of your candidates.

Click To Download

Further Reading

Benefits of Online Screening in the Hiring Process

Online screening solutions save organizations time and money by automating candidate screening processes in a compliant and ethical way.

Our clients see benefits like:

  • Streamlining candidate screening processes
  • Improving the employee experience and supporting existing employees
  • Reducing costs of screening talent, legal action, and replacing employees who leave
  • Improved safety and security of the organization

Learn how online screening for workplace misconduct can improve the way you hire and manage your talent today.