Company Update: Social Intelligence to attend upcoming conferences

Social Intelligence is pleased to announce that we are attending several upcoming Human Resources and Screening conferences. Our summer and fall schedule is filling up and we are looking forward to attending these events. Here is a full list of the conferences that are currently on the horizon:
SHRM Annual Conference & Exposition - June 18-21, New Orleans, LA
NAPBS Annual Conference - September 17-19 in Orlando, FL
HR Technology Conference & Exposition - October 10-13 in Las Vegas, NV
It is our goal to provide the best Social Media Hiring Reports on the market. These conferences offer invaluable networking opportunities, along with the chance to stay up to date on industry trends. We are excited for the chance to take any new insights that we gain from these conferences and use them to better our product.
Our team will have a booth set up at the SHRM conference, so make sure you stop by and see us! We would love to connect with our current clients. Likewise, we would be happy to provide more information about our product to anyone who is interested.
If you would like to know more about how our Social Media Hiring Reports can improve your hiring process in the meantime, give us a call at 888-748-3281.