Social Media and Your Candidate: What to Know Before You Google

According to a 2017 CareerBuilder Survey, about 70% of all employers in America search for their candidates online at some point in the pre-hire process. The internet is a fantastic resource to help verify a candidate's identity as well as learn more about who they are when they aren't at work.
But Googling your candidates without following FCRA guidelines can land you in compliance hot water. Fast.
We recently teamed up with AmericanChecked for a live webinar to share key guidelines for using social media and online profiles in a hiring decision. You can check out the webinar recording here:
What to Know Before You Google - Webinar Recording
It's the 21st century— social media has become too essential to our culture to go ignored by employers in a hiring decision. If you can follow the right steps, you can this public data to drastically reduce your risk of negligence or problematic hiring.